Recent and featured news:
02/2025: A paper got accepted by CVPR25, good job by the co-authors.
12/2024: A new project got funded by EU Horizon.
12/2024: It is my privilege to be supported by the NVIDIA Academic Grant Program.
12/2024: Orgnise and give a talk at WMG annual resach conference 2024.
09/2024: A new project got funded by the EPSRC New Investigator Award.
03/2023: Our team at University of Liverpool wins the Special Recognition Award for novel modelling/design of the UK-US Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Prize Challenges.
07/2021: A huge congrats to our PhD student Wei Huang (co-supervised by Xiaowei and me) who is the winner of Siemens AI-Dependability-Assessment-Student-Challenge. News on the school website.
All news:
02/2025: A paper got accepted by CVPR25, good job by the co-authors.
12/2024: A new project got funded by EU Horizon.
12/2024: It is my privilege to be supported by the NVIDIA Academic Grant Program.
12/2024: A paper got accepted by AAAI25 (an arXiv version).
12/2024: Orgnise and give a talk at WMG annual resach conference 2024.
09/2024: A new project got funded by the EPSRC New Investigator Award.
09/2024: A paper got accepted by NeurIPS24, good job by the co-authors.
08/2024: Supporting PAVE-UK at the British Science Festival.
07/2024: Give a talk at the CS department of Uni. of Birmingham; Supporting PAVE-UK at the Student Formula event.
07/2024: A paper is accpeted by ECCV24; Congrats to our 1st-year PhD student Yi Zhang on publishing at the top computer vision conference just four months after joining us. Also got a paper accepted by ITSC24.
06/2024: It is my privilege to join ICDM'24 as a PC member; and the TAIBOM working group for turstwothy AI.
04/2024: Two papers accepted by IV'24 and ICML'24; Great efforts by the co-authors.
04/2024: It is my great honor to join AISafety workshop as a PC member.
03/2024: Get a new funded project by British Academy, starting in April.
02/2024: Together with Dr. Qing Guo, we got a Warwick-A*Star joint PhD studentship on the topic of "Responsible Generative AI for Safe Perception of Autonomous Vehicles". Please cf. this advert for more information.
01/2024: Lead by Yun and Dhanush, a paper on scenario generation for AVs got accepted by ICRA24; and lead by Yi, a paper on reachability verification for robots is accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L).
01/2024: A journal paper got accepted by the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming.
12/2023: A paper on reinforcement learning robustness is accepted by AAAI24; Congrats to Xiangyu, Sihao and co-authors.
12/2023: The journal paper Bayesian Learning for the Robust Verification of Autonomous Robots is accepted by Nature Communications Engineering.
11/2023: Successful completion of the PGCAP training and become a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
10/2023: A journal paper accepted by QRE. Demonstrating Software Reliability using Possibly Correlated Tests: Insights from a Conservative Bayesian Approach.
09/2023: Application to attending the Transport Session - BridgeAI: Residential Innovation Labs has been successful. Looking forward to the event.
09/2023: Our journal paper Hierarchical Distribution-Aware Testing of Deep Learning is accepted by ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology.
09/2023: Present at the WMG stand for Cenex-Events.
08/2023: It is my privilege to join AAAI2024 as a PC member.
07/2023: Well done our former PhD student Wei who got a paper accepted by ICCV'23.
07/2023: Congrats to our PhD student Yi Qi and co-authors, a paper is accepted by ITSC'23.
06/2023: Give a talk at the TAS Node in Resilience, here is the slides and the recorded video.
06/2023: Starting a new post at WMG, University of Warwick.
03/2023: Our team at the University of Liverpool wins the Special Recognition Award for novel modelling/design of the UK-US Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Prize Challenges;
01/2023: A paper got accepted by AAMAS'23--a great effort by Yi Dong and co-authors.
12/2022: A journal paper is accepted by IEEE Tran. on Software Engineering. A preprint version is available on arXiv.
11/2022: Xiaowei (PI), Yi and I are awarded a grant of the UK and US governments launched challenge on privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs).
10/2022: Our journal paper "Reliability Assessment and Safety Arguments for Machine Learning Components in System Assurance" is accepted by ACM Tran. on Embedded Computing Systems.
10/2022: Two conference papers are accepted by ICFEM22 and ISGT23.
08/2022: A journal paper "Dependable learning-enabled multiagent systems" is accepted by AI Communications.
07/2022: Lead by Dr. Yi Dong, our paper "Dependability Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning based Robotics and Autonomous Systems through Probabilistic Model Checking" got accepted by IROS'22.
06/2022: Our 1st year PhD student Yi Qi got a paper "A Hierarchical HAZOP-Like Safety Analysis for Learning-Enabled Systems" accepted by AISafety'22 co-located with IJCAI’22.
05/2022: Give a talk at the FOCETA Seminars on Trustworthy AI: "Reliability Assessment on DL Classifiers and Controllers".
04/2022: It is my privilege to join AAAI2023 and WAISE2022 as a PC member.
03/2022: Organised together with our colleagues from DSTL and Heriot-Watt Uni a Demo Workshop for SOLITUDE. The 3-hours recorded video is avalible here.
09/2021: Our paper on “Embedding and Extraction of Knowledge in Tree Ensemble Classifiers” is accepted by the Springer journal of Machine Learning.
08/2021: Our AISafety’21 paper won the best paper award, while we are working hard on its journal version! Hopefully it will come out soon.
07/2021: A huge congrats to our PhD student Wei Huang (co-supervised by Xiaowei and me) who is the winner of Siemens AI-Dependability-Assessment-Student-Challenge. News on the school website.
06/2021: Our paper “Assessing the Reliability of Deep Learning Classifiers Through Robustness Evaluation and Operational Profiles” is accepted at the workshop AISafety’21 co-located with IJCAI’21. Here is the accepted version.
05/2021: A first XAI paper of mine “BayLIME: Bayesian Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations” is accepted by UAI2021, thanks to the great efforts of my co-authors. BayLIME (the accepted preprint) is a Bayesian modification of LIME that exploits prior knowledge and Bayesian reasoning to improve the consistency in repeated explanations, the robustness to kernel settings and explanation fidelity.
05/2021: Our journal paper “Coverage Guided Testing for Recurrent Neural Networks” (preprint) got accepted by IEEE Tran. on Reliability. Congratulations to our star PhD student Wei Huang and all co-authors!
04/2021: An abstract paper is accepted by DSN2021 – “Detecting Operational Adversarial Examples for Reliable Deep Learning”, here is a preprint version. Hopefully the more exciting parts, results to the research questions articulated, will come soon.
03/2021: Glad that our paper “Conservative Confidence Bounds in Safety, from Generalised Claims of Improvement & Statistical Evidence” is accepted by DSN2021 (48 accepted out of 295 submissions – 16.3%). Great work by my CSR colleagues Kizito and Lorenzo! Here is a preprint version.
02/2021: It is my great pleasure to be part of the UAI2021 this year as a PC member. Looking forward to reviewing exciting papers from the prestigious community.
01/2021: Give a talk at the FOCETA WP3 workshop on behalf of our Liverpool side. The topic is on reliability assessment for Deep Learning software considering evidence of robustness verification and operational testing.
10/2020: About to start a new PDRA post at the Computer Science Department, University of Liverpool in Jan. 2021, working on projects with Prof. Sven Schewe and Dr. Xiaowei Huang. Looking forward to it!
08/2020: Our journal paper “Assessing Safety-Critical Systems from Operational Testing: A Study on Autonomous Vehicles” (an extension of our ISSRE2019 paper) is accepted by Information and Software Technology. Our friends from CSR, City UoL made a significant contribution. Here is a preprint version.
07/2020: Our paper “Interval Change-Point Detection for Runtime Probabilistic Model Checking” is accepted by ASE2020. A first joint paper with our York friends at TASP – hopefully many more to come! Here is the accepted manuscript.
04/2020: Our paper “A Safety Framework for Critical Systems Utilising Deep Neural Networks” is accepted by SafeComp2020. Many thanks to my co-authors for their great efforts. Here is a preprint.
02/2020: Give a talk at the TASP: Trustworthy Adaptive and Autonomous Systems & Processes research group, University of York. The topic is “Robust Bayesian Estimators for Transition Parameters in Probabilistic Model Checking”, here is the slides.
12/2019: Start a new project “COVE: Continual Verification and Assurance of Robotic Systems Under Uncertainty” as a Co-Investigator. Looking forward to working with Dr. Radu Calinescu and Dr. Simos Gerasimou!
11/2019: Our paper “On Reliability Assessment When a Software-based System Is Replaced by a Thought-to-be-Better One” is accepted by Reliability Engineering and System Safety. It is another joint work, during my PhD study, with colleagues from the Centre for Software Reliability (CSR) at City University of London. Here is a preprint version.
09/2019: Our paper “UAS Operators Safety and Reliability Survey: Emerging Technologies Towards the Certification of Autonomous UAS” is accepted by ICSRS2019. Here is the accepted version.
07/2019: Our paper “Assessing the Safety and Reliability of Autonomous Vehicles from Road Testing”, a joint work with colleagues from the Centre for Software Reliability (CSR) at City University of London, is accepted by ISSRE2019 as a Best Paper Nominee. Here is the accepted version.
06/2019: Our paper “Towards Integrating Formal Verification of Autonomous Robots with Battery Prognostics and Health Management”, a joint work with colleagues from the University of Liverpool, is accepted by SEFM2019. Here is the accepted version.
02/2019: Presented our paper “Probabilistic Model Checking of Robots Deployed in Extreme Environments” at the 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2019.
01/2019: As the start of my AAIP Programme Fellowship, I paid a very first visit to Dr. Radu Calinescu’s team at the University of York, which was a great experience.