Supversion & Teaching
For Prospective PhD Students
I am recruiting new PhD candidates with interests in some of the following areas:
Trustworthy and Explainable AI
Software Reliability Engineering
Probabilistic Verification
Safety Assurance for Robotics and Autonomous Systems
If you are highly motivated and have a strong mathematical background, algorithm design and software development skills, please contact me to discuss potential topics and funding opportunities.
PhD Students
Danial Safaei (2024-present at Warwick, co-supervisor): AI for scenario generation
Eric Chiu (2024-present at Warwick, 1st supervisor): Safe AI policy study
Yuhang Chen (2024-present at Warwick, 1st supervisor): Fidelity of synthetic data
Yi Zhang (2023-present at Warwick, 1st supervisor): Trustworthy text-2-image diffusion models
Yi Qi (2021-present at Liverpool, 2nd supervisor): Safety analysis for/with AI
Sihao Wu (2021-present at Liverpool, 2nd supervisor): Safe RL
Dr. Wei Huang (2019-2023 graduated at Liverpool, 2nd supervisor): Verification and Validation of Machine Learning Safety in Learning-Enabled Autonomous Systems
Successful Stories
Congrats to our 1st-year PhD student Yi Zhang on publishing at the top computer vision conference, ECCV24, just four months after joining us—A remarkable start and a milestone! The paper: "ProTIP: Probabilistic Robustness Verification on Text-to-Image Diffusion Models against Stochastic Perturbation"
Our 2nd-year PhD student, Sihao Wu, has had a paper accepted by AAAI24, marking his first publication since joining us—an excellent start and a milestone!
Our 1st year PhD student Yi Qi published his first academic paper with us "A Hierarchical HAZOP-Like Safety Analysis for Learning-Enabled Systems" at AISafety'22 (co-located with IJCAI'22)---A milestone in his career as an AI researcher.
Our PhD student Wei Huang is on the University webpage: Becoming an Expert: Safety Problems in Learning-enabled Autonomous Systems.
Our PhD student Wei Huang won the ‘most original approach’ award at Siemens Mobility Artificial Intelligence Dependability Assessment – Student Challenge.
2024-2025 (tutor): ES193 Engineering Mathematics, School of Engineering, University of Warwick
2023-2024 (tutor): ES193 Engineering Mathematics, School of Engineering, University of Warwick
2022-2023 (coordinator and lecturer): COMP313 Formal Methods, Computer Science Department, University of Liverpool
2021-2022 (coordinator and lecturer): COMP313 Formal Methods, Computer Science Department, University of Liverpool